Thanks for considering visiting us at Crossroads!
We want you to feel welcome and we hope that we can answer some of your questions. Maybe you’re a follower of Jesus or maybe church is a new concept for you. Whatever the case, have a look around and let us know if you have any questions! We can’t wait to meet you.

what to expect
Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30am. We do encourage you to arrive a few minutes early for services as they generally start on time.
Services usually last about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Our worship services involve singing praises to God, prayer and teaching from the Bible. We'd love to have you join us!
On Wednesdays we gather for a number of mid week activities at 6:30 pm, including Prayer Meeting, Adventure Club (childrens), Youth Group (Students 6-12th), Men’s & Women’s Bible Study, & Re|engage (Marriage Class).
KIDS - 9:00AM & 10:30AM
Bigenuf is for kids from Kindergarten thru 5th grade. At 9:00 they have their small group bible study & at 10:30 they join their parents in the main worship service for the worship time. At the conclusion of the worship time they will leave the main worship service and move into their large group time located in our children’s church area. The large group is an exciting & energetic time with skits, worship and fun activities where Kids learn bible basics.
Nursery & Preschool kids
Our nursery and preschool staff welcome newborns through 4-years old. Your child will stay in the same classroom for both hours on Sunday morning if you are attending a Bible fellowship class and our morning worship.
Crossroads Student Ministry
Crossroads Student Ministry exists to see 6-12 graders glorify God and make disciples by gathering, growing, and going. Students have weekly gatherings on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Nights. Crossroads Student Ministry annually puts on Summer Camp and DNow Weekends to retreat and deepen the students' walk with the Lord.
Students meet on Sunday Mornings at 9:00 am for a time of study on the foundational doctrine of our faith. This is a time designed to help students get better grounded in what they believe and why they believe it.
Youth Group is our weekly student service where the Gospel is proclaimed through engaging worship, Biblical teaching, and small group time. Relationships are developed through fun and exciting experiences. We meet on Wednesday Nights beginning at 6:30 pm. Students are encouraged to invite friends to our FIRST WEDNESDAY events every month (the first wednesday of each month). These events include food & games while staying true to what we are teaching and doing throughout the month!
Feel free to reach out to our Pastor of Student Ministry, Michael Caro to find out how you can get involved or plugged in!
He can be reached via EMAIL:
Sunday Morning Bible Study - 9:00 AM
Bible study is a place to help you meet people who are sharing your same season in life, young or old, Christian or non-Christian, single, married, or divorced we have a place for you to connect, a place where you can know others and be known by others, a place to belong, a place to call home.
On Sunday mornings at 9:00 am we offer Campus Life Groups for all ages and stages of life including college and singles groups. These small groups meet weekly on site at Crossroads for connection, bible study, spiritual growth and accountability. People of all stages of life and spiritual maturity are welcomed.
In addition to Sunday morning groups, we offer Community Life Groups as well. These small groups meet weekly in homes for connection, spiritual growth, and accountability. People of all stages of life and spiritual maturity are welcomed.